We appreciate all the ways that people support SDM. Here are the most common ways our supporters help us.
1. Donate via Website
Want to make a donation in someone's memory or honor? Make a recurring donation? Want to easily use your credit card, PayPal or an ACH transfer? This is for you!
2. Follow us on Facebook & Instagram
We provide most of our updates on social media so follow us there. With just one click on our Facebook and Instagram pages, you can easily process your donation too!
3. Donate with Good Ol' Fashioned Checks
Yes, we still accept and welcome good old fashioned checks. Simply fill out the Form, enclose with your donation and mail to us. We call this our vintage, timeless option!
4. Shop on Amazon Smile
Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of eligible purchases to SDM. Go to Amazon Smile and select "Susen Daniel Memorial Cancer Relief Fund" as your charity of choice.